

更新日期:2024-05-18 22:15



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以下分享历年公开题目及答案 供你模拟练习训练; 如需搜题或练题: 请关注“众课帮”公众号开始吧!

1、长度为M的序列,其频谱一个周期内的N点采样造成时域序列以N为周期的延拓,频域不失真采样的条件是M大于等于N。 答案:错误 --------------------------------

2、何为设权证券() A.是指证券的权利产生于证券的制作中的证券 B.是指证券所代表的权利是以证券的设计为前提条件的 C.是指证券所代表的权利本来并不存在而是产生于证券的制作中 D.是指证券权利的发生是以证券的制作和存在为条件的答案:A --------------------------------

3、“有夏多罪,天命殛之。” 出自于《尚书》。 答案:对 --------------------------------

4、规划是一种自主的体验,规划不是随心所欲的。 答案:正确 --------------------------------

5、荆门市生态运动公园的青少年活动区设计主题是() A.思闲情逸 B.静 C.轻歌曼舞 D.琴棋书画答案:C --------------------------------

6、后牙的轴向尽可能与对合牙咬合力方向平行,如果有方向应尽可能 <15 >° <° <°答案:<15 --------------------------------

7、Which type of filter is generally selected for signal demodulation? () Which of the following best explains why a type 3 filter was selected for experiments 2 and 3? A.The frequency response varied more widely when filter type 3 was used than when either Filter type 1 or Filter type 2 was used. B.Filter type 3 contains a ground and was therefore the safest of the three types of filters to experiment with. C.Filter type 3 is the only one among the three that contains an inductor. D.Input voltage could be more easily regulated using a type 3 filter than using either a type 1 or type 2 filter. 请帮忙给出正确答案和分析,谢谢!答案:CThe graphical representations of the three filters show that filter type 3 is the only one that contains an inductor. Experiment 2 was designed with inductance as the variable. It would make sense to conduct such as experiment only with a filter containing an inductor. Also,Experiment 3 was designed explicitly with inductance as a control; again, the description and methodology of the experiment makes sense only when a filter that contains an inductor is used. --------------------------------

8、北海五龙亭最大亭子的屋顶属于() A.重岩亭 B.四方亭加圆顶 C.四方亭 D.三层重岩亭答案:B --------------------------------

9、福建的郑成功收复台湾雕像结合了圆雕和下面哪项雕刻手法?() A.单面透雕 B.双面透雕 C.凹雕 D.凸雕答案:D --------------------------------

10、道路的交叉口应该进行磨角,这是出于哪项城市绿地建设的基本原则?() A.美观性 B.健康性 C.安全性 D.防护性答案:C --------------------------------

11、绩效改进的系统工具有三个,包括六西格玛管理,ISO管理体系和标杆超越。() A.错误 B.正确答案:A --------------------------------

12、“朴素而天下莫能与之争美”这句话出自于( )。 A、《庄子》 B、《墨子》 C、《荀子》 D、《老子》答案:《老子》 --------------------------------

13、所以真正的道德不是所谓“礼”如何约束,而应是“道”如何要求,是“道”的实践活动。 A.正确 B.错误答案:A --------------------------------

14、PowerPoint 2010的功能区由( )组成。 A: 菜单栏 B: 快速访问工具栏 C: 选项卡 D: 工具组答案:BCD --------------------------------

15、下面哪项是邑郊园林的代表?() A.镇江的北固山 B.苏州的沧浪亭 C.绍兴的兰亭 D.绍兴的东湖答案:D --------------------------------


