

更新日期:2024-05-15 13:37

尽管大橘一直想要我们可以认真的训练写句子,写思想观点,减弱模版印痕,可是按耐不住诸位小考生针对模板的心声明显哇因此今日给大伙儿精心准备了大作文可以采用的模板, 依照下列四个提问方式,各自给我们筹备了四个模板选择题型中通常得出一个社会热点问题和一类人或适用或抵制的心态,询问你是不是允许她们的思想观点留意:强思想观点表述类- 一定要确立表态发言开始段:It is true that_( 社会热点问题改变)________ While some people tend towards the viewpoint that _反方思想观点______, I would have to support the idea that_你的观点______.行为主体1段- 妥协段- 论述反方思想观点得出一个思想观点-表述-进行的论述就可以On the one hand, it is understandable for some people to believe that _( 反方思想观点)___ One of the main reasons can be_( 实际表述) . This means that ( 进行论述)行为主体2段- 己方思想观点段- 得出自个的思想观点论述On the other hand, it is more convincing for me that _( 己方思想观点)______ Firstly,I believe _( 分论点1)_______. This is because _( 进行论述)__________. Secondly, the fact that _( 分论点2)also deserves our attention. In other words, _( 举例说明/表述/对比论证)________末尾段In conclusion, although _( 反方思想观点)_____, it seems to me that_( 己方思想观点重申)_______题型通常得出一个社会热点问题,及两大类思想观点,必须大家各自探讨双方思想观点,并得出自个的观点开始段:One of the most controversial issues today relates to_( 社会热点问题)__________.While some people tend towards the viewpoint that _( 第一方思想观点)______, others support the idea that__( 第二方观点)_____. In this essay, I am going to examine both points of view and provide my own opinion.行为主体1段- 第一方思想观点段On one side of the argument there are people who argue that__( 第一方观点)______The main reason for believing this is that__( 分论点1)____ To be more specific, _( 论述分论点1)________ .It is also possible to say that__( 分论点2)____ One good illustration of this is_( 论证分论点2)________

行为主体2段-第二方思想观点段On the other hand,the opposite argument is that ( 第二方观点) For one thing, ( 分论点1) To illustrate, (举例说明或表述或比照进行论述论点论据1)For another, the fact that _( 分论点2)also deserves our attention. In other words, (举例说明或表述或比照进行论述论点论据2)末尾段:In conclusion, although it might seem sensible for反方思想观点. I personally prefer自身思想观点留意:许多情况下,利与弊剖析的题型可以添加「有关行为主体」輔助答题,例如某件事对「学员」这一行为主体有益处,但很有可能针对「社会发展」总体有不良影响开始段:There are always two sides of everything. The same goes for _( 社会发展热点话题)______. Most people admire it as a _( 积极主动利好消息的一面)______ and some seem to take it as a negative impact on the _( 对谁造成了负面影响)________. I personally believe that_( 个人见解)________行为主体1段:There are several drawbacks of _( 社会发展热点话题)___ . A common criticism is that _( 负面影响1)___________ This is because _( 进行论述)__________ Another negative aspect can be _( 负面影响2)____ To be more specific, ___( 进行论述)___行为主体2段:In spite of these negative effects, __( 社会发展热点话题)_ has brought important benefits as well. One obvious advantage of this is_____( 益处1)____ This means that ( 进行论述) Another positive effect is_____( 益处2)____ To illustrate, ___( 进行论述)___末尾段:To sum up, it seems to me that__( 社会发展热点话题)has brought us more benefits than disadvantages.得出一个社会热点问题,讨论造成的缘故及解决方法留意:讨论缘故危害解决方法时,从「本人」「社会发展」「我国」三个不一样视角思索开始段:It is undoubtedly the case that urban areas around the world increasingly suffer from _( 社会热点问题)________ . There are several reasons for this problem, and various measures could be taken by governments and individuals to improve the situation.行为主体1段:There are a variety of different factors that have led to_( 社会热点问题)________ One of the major causes can be that_( 缘故1)__________ . The second reason is that_( 原因2)________行为主体2段Despite some obvious reasons described above, there are several actions that governments could take to solve the problems. Firstly, a simple solution would be to _( 对策1)__________ . The second measure would be for governments to _( 措施2)_________末尾段In conclusion, despite some obvious reasons, various measures can be taken to tackle the problem of _( 社会热点问题)________好了,以上为大作文模板的共享,期待对你有些协助哦模板可以协助大家框定文章结构,像指路牌一样使我们随时随地了解,下面该写什么

模板还可以发挥不错的临时性紧急功效,使我们在立刻要考試前临时性突袭,不会再构造上产生问题,获得基本上的成绩可是自然要是要想创作冲击性高分数,或是要多看看范文多多的学习仿写里边的语汇,语句和逻辑性论证思路,高分数范文沒有稳固的模板,可是都是有相同的特征便是 「思想观点清楚」 「逻辑清晰」「论述紧密」「前后文前后左右句对接顺畅」「语汇英语的语法精确度高」「语汇英语的语法多元性强」文中先发自微信公众号 大橘为重English 若转截,请私聊



